connections. mydonna

Sep 17, 2016

my nurse is a fellow loss mom. In our first convo we cried together. The other nurse was doing shift change but my nurse and I just like locked eyes and instantly connected lol. We couldn't hear anything else. She was holding Joislen bear and the other nurse was trying to show her around n she couldn't stop being present in the moment and appreciate holding joisey. I freaking love this lady. Thank God for amazing compassionate care. Tonight's gunna be a good night

this is how we do it. My nurse Donna loves Joislen bear as if she was holding my very daughter. And the bear is a physical representation of her eternal presence in our family. She freaking loves our my babies and me n d2 and I freaking love her ☺️💛 thankfully my day shift nurse is great too! I REALLY am enjoying the sharp experience!

There are nurses and then there's Donna. This is the woman who started the induction process with us. Her love for my children is very special. Tonight she came to visit since we didn't deliver on her shift, she wanted to check in with us and I wanted to see her, too. Donna is the fellow loss momma I told you about. She purchased these socks/slippers from Italy for her unborn child. Then she experienced a devastating loss. She has had them up in her garage for almost a decade, waiting for the perfect thing to do with them. Tonight. She wanted d3 to have them. She offered them to her 18 year old daughter but she told her "mom, d3 is here now, give them to him." What a loving and sweet gesture. Much love!

"From the moment I opened door 320, my life changed. The energy in your room was " bittersweet" to say so, just can't be described in words. Moments like this can only be felt, primal emotions and pure raw human love. You Trish Taylor are a unique and powerful woman. Not because you sneak sandwiches or demand apple juice... lol. It is because you are so real, so direct, so open. I appreciate your heart. When you are up to it, I'd love to come see you and D3, snuggle my favorite Joislen bear and talk with you. Sometimes you need people to walk with you through grief and joy.... I am on my way anytime you need me"-Donna

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