Our Babies!

Jun 28, 2016

Hi family. I wanted to share a few special things. God is amazing and truly just kept me during the lil sabbatical. I learned a lot about Him. His unfailing love. Two amazingly beautiful things happened. 1. I was worshiping in church on the evening of June 10th. I don't know about everyone else but when I worship I don't stay on earth for long. I see visions. So there I am worshiping in this huge crowd. And I'm just praising and thanking God when it dawns on me that Joislen is in the same place I was. Amongst the crowd. I didn't stop what I was doing to look for her. I was just happy that she was near. A few minutes later, Jesus comes over to me, holding my daughter. Joislen says, "mommy, the day you had to stop praying for me is the day I started praying for you. You prayed for me all of my life and I will pray for you for the rest of yours" she put her little hand on my head, and then on my tummy, and I could not contain my humbled joy. I didn't hold her. I didn't even ask. They walked away and I stayed before my Father in worship. It was a beautiful thing. I was so comforted to know that my baby had been and would be praying for me. A few days later, before our trip, daddy came to the Drs for the first time. I had dreamed about seeing my sons nose and mouth the day before on a sonogram and the ultrasound tech said those features kept popping up while we were there. We got like 4 pictures of d3s nose and mouth lol. So they printed out the pictures for us. When I got on the airplane, I looked closely at one of the pictures and saw the sweetest butterfly on d3s face. I couldn't believe what I was looking at. This is the 2nd time Joislen showed up at her brothers ultrasound. The first was the first time I heard his heartbeat, and when I said "go flash go" the lights in the room flickered. The np asked me if I saw it I said no and it flickered again. I said "oh joislens just excited her baby sibling is here and well". (That encounter is on video tape) 6 months later and this beautiful sonogram. Joislen is clearly giving her baby brother a kiss on the cheek. And is very over protective and territorial lol. Our sand art from Australia also came. So I wanted to share a few pics with u. 

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