It's like the two earth babies thing. Many mommas share how they feel bad cuz they have been more neglectful towards their older child when they had a new baby. This is my version and portion of those feelings. Or when I haven't gotten to update her blog as much. It's hard juggling two under two

U have to understand....I didn't lose Joislen when she was 30 so I didn't have decades to experience being her mom. I lost her before I had her. So I will have decades to experience being her mom in the ways we are allotted. I understand she doesn't need me as an earthen child needs their mother. But many grieving families need to know that there is hope in the darkness of pregnancy and infant loss, and delivering that message is how I feel maternal gratification and connection amidst tragic loss. Our relationship is somewhat of a ministerial partnership. It's our labor of love. Because He first loved us

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