light a candle for my baby girl, my first born, my seed, the first of our fruit. I hold her candle in my hand and remember our time together. And our strengthening ever growing bond. Joislen Grace Taylor, mommy loves you to life.
I light a bigger brighter candle in the back for everyone else, together we shine--all her angel baby friends. A special light for her cousin Julien who was waiting for her to arrive. Our family lost two babies in just a few years, and today, I remember my nephew.
I love all my angel family. Our angels brought us together n although we'd rather have never met, there's no one else I'd rather venture through loss with. I think my favorite part of our loss family is diversity. Different races, faiths, likes and dislikes, yes we agree on furious love for our children and mutual respect for one another. THAT is a village that gives some sort of consolation for what we've been through. Today October 15, and everyday of my life, I remember and adore my daughter. My joisey girl.

love to all. Time to bathe her little brother n pour out a double portion of love on him. If u wanna know why I love my son so much, know it's because it's not only him I'm loving in the kisses, in my eyes, in my exploding heart; there are two. #waveoflight #joislengrace
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