are any lap children (under 2 years old) traveling with you?
Joislen and I were supposed to take our first flight together with her in my arms this evening. I purposefully booked the redeye flight so she could rest. I was going to tire her out today. I had it all planned. And on this trip she was going to meet all her cousins and her sister and her aunts and uncles and grandparents. And she would see a handful again that she met when she was born. I even flew into Miami so we wouldn't have a layover. 5 hours Joislen. We got this right? But instead. I am traveling with a teddy bear wearing one of the only things she ever did. And today, instead of tiring her out, I did an interview in my home, to tell of our story, and raise awareness for stillbirth, as the camera woman was fighting back tears when I answered the reporters questions. As for my girl... I will have eternity to gawk at her gorgeousness. But for now. We have work to do. As painful as it was to click "no" to the question on the screen, about traveling with a lap child, I wish there was an explanation line. I'd say "no. I'm not traveling with a lap child under two. Although that was the intent when I booked this ticket. I'm traveling with my daughter's timeless spirit. Joislen Grace; and if anyone's crying will keep other passengers awake during this flight, it will be mine and not hers". The shelves in her room are empty. But my heart is full. Full of her light and love. And I bless God for my daughter. Thank You for her. We don't get to do everything I'd like. But we do get to glorify You. And I'm not sure there's much more to this life thing for us anyway.

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